Somatic Coaching

With Sarah Yearsley

About Somatic Coaching

Somatic Coaching is a cutting-edge form of coaching designed to keep the mind and body in balance. At the heart of Somatic Coaching (Body-Oriented Coaching) is the understanding that the body reflects the mind, and vice versa. The mind is, of course, central to our existence. But when over-used, stressed or anxious, it can easily lead to feelings of imbalance. By getting in touch with the wisdom of the body, there is the potential to break through limiting beliefs and stuck patterns of behaviour. Somatic Coaching works by combining ancient therapeutic traditions from across the world, namely Somatic Psychotherapy, Gestalt, and Hakomi. It incorporates the latest scientific findings from Neuroscience, Embodied Cognition, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Polyvagal Theory. Our evolving understanding of each of these domains moves us away from the traditional focus of modern psychology on the reflective mind, and points us towards the human being as an integrated system - a complex, intelligent whole.


Somatic Coaching uses skills to help your mind and body work together, leading to increased clarity, more effective and authentic communication, more resilience and confidence to resolve personal issues and manage the difficulties in life. This will ultimately help you feel more fulfilled and satisfied as you live in a way that aligns with your values and goals. 

Why Choose Somatic Coaching

We are all different and there are many reasons to choose Somatic Coaching. These usually come under one or several of the following headings:

  • You constantly feel stressed and anxious. You are feeling ‘burnt -out’ and your ‘fight-or-flight’ response feels permanently triggered.

  • Your life seems to be going nowhere. You are feeling stuck and unfulfilled and are looking for a new direction.

  • A challenging situation or decision, whether in your career or your personal life, is rapidly approaching.

  • You want to up your game and make things happen. This could be in any area of your life from the professional, personal and the spiritual. 

  •  You are looking for a better understanding of who you truly are and where your life is heading.

  • You are managing a permanent illness and/or pain and want to feel like your old self, pain-free and happy again. 

About Me

One of the key things I learnt on my own healing journey was that true wisdom comes from within. And that this wisdom awakens when we embrace the path of service. By serving others, we unlock the potential for transformative growth and self-healing. It was this understanding that helped me make a full recovery from a life-threatening illness and multiple surgeries 25 years ago. Since then, I have been working as a Bowen Therapist and Somatic Coach helping others experience healing and recovery. I am passionate about guiding others through the physical trauma of illness, stress and emotional disturbance. I take great joy in witnessing the healing process in my clients as we work together towards restoring mental and physical health. This is when we start to develop a healthier physical and mental lifestyle; to recognise our talents and life purpose; and to bring a whole different level of creativity, self awareness and belief into our lives.

Understanding our own motivations brings with it the ability to manifest what is most important to us personally and to connect with our spiritual essence. Simply put, when we spend too much time in our heads, we lose touch with our bodies resulting in stress and anxiety. What follows is a dsyregulated nervous system and a decline of mental and physical health, diminishing our true selves in the process. It is my belief that we need to re-learn and remember how to access the wisdom of our body. When this is combined with the cognitive power of our brain, we will have a much better chance to prosper in a world that is driven by technology. 

How I work

I offer a non-judgemental space for you to feel safe just as you are. All feelings are welcome. This will be an experiential space for self-study to deepen your embodied awareness skills. My work as a Somatic Coach is about life-optimisation, not only for health and well-being, but also for personal growth and spiritual evolution. I focus on an integral, embodied and heart-centred approach that nurtures body, mind, heart and spirit. I aim to empower individuals to transition from coping and survival to thriving and flourishing. The techniques of Somatic Body Work, including Bowen Technique, also contribute to this comprehensive approach. ‘Soma’ refers to the body in its wholeness – that is mind, body and spirit. This approach recognises that an individual’s physical, mental, emotional and psychological history is manifested through the body in particular patterns. And by working through the body these historical patterns can be changed.

My philosophy is to engage with my client on a journey of interaction and integration. This leads to a sense of empowerment where you feel able to carry forward your own personal healing journey after an agreed number of sessions. Somatic Coaching is the catalyst that makes this possible. When our Mind-Body becomes regulated, our nervous systems experience homeostasis. In practice, this means that we become more deeply embodied, heart-centred, earth-connected, resilient, spiritually awake and fulfilled. Somatic coaching and hands-on body work turns the nervous system into an ally rather than an enemy. I am passionate about the integration of neuroscience and positive psychology with ancestral and contemplative wisdom in order to benefit as many people as possible. 

Where I work

I work online on Zoom as well as in-person at The Open Door Natural Health & Wellbeing Centre in Lewes, East Sussex, UK

Somatic Coaching can be just as effective online as it is in person. This is because the important conversation is not so much between me and you as between you and your experience. If we are working online, please ensure you are in a confidential space, where you can be free to move and the camera has a good headshot of you including at least your shoulders.

I am lucky to be part of a vibrant community focused on helping others to heal, to create healthier lives and relationships, and embrace their life purpose.

My Training

I am an accredited Body-Oriented Coach from The Somatic School, the world’s first and only somatic coach training to be awarded a Level 2 accreditation by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). During the past 20 years I have been treating clients using various Somatic hands-on therapies such as the Bowen Technique, as well as being an Advanced Practitioner in Neurostructural Integration Technique.

Click here for my Bowen Technique website.

I have studied at The Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness whose purpose is to give its students the tools of self-transformation so that they can connect with greater wisdom and help assist others and ultimately the world for the better.

I have continued professional development with leading practitioners in TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders) at The O-Lab as well as training in the Emmet Technique, an internationally recognised muscle release technique.

I am trained as a Teacher in Mindfulness with Breathworks and take a special interest in hormonal and fertility health for both men and women.

In addition I have studied Chinese Medicine, Kabbalah, Chi Gong, Yoga, Polyvagal Theory, Druidry, Celtic Shamanism, Mindfulness, and Meditation which has led to an ever-deepening understanding of the connection between body, mind, soul and spirit.


“The sessions I did with Sarah were my first experience of Somatic Coaching. Her gentle, empathetic, coaching style guided me towards a renewed understanding of the choices that I make, and the direction I am taking in my life. Her expert guidance, using this highly effective technique, showed me that I can take responsibility for my life decisions by listening to my body and my intuition. Sarah creates a safe space where you feel supported and able to explore options freely, while also examining their likely outcomes. I would recommend sessions with Sarah to anyone who is trying to make sense of their lives or has key decisions to make. Thank you, Sarah, for having a positive impact on my life.”

Claudine Spiteri, Livestock Productions, Founder and Director, London

“I went to see Sarah at a crossroads in my life with a major question I was thinking about. Throughout the various stages of the coaching sessions, I felt Sarah’s gentle support and the feelings and experiences that emerged from my body really helped me clarify what I needed to do next. . In one of the sessions, she guided me through a somatic process called a Constellations Outcome. It was quite jaw-dropping how this dialogue with my body took me to deeper and quicker answers than my thinking brain which had left me stuck and unable to move forward. Without these sessions, I would still be very confused. A brilliant thing to do if you need answers to a major question that you are struggling with.”

Rachel Donoghue, Legal Assistant, Brighton

“I cannot express enough how grateful I am for Sarah's somatic coaching sessions. Prior to working with her, I had been struggling with a debilitating fear of traveling on planes. By the end of the first session, I felt a profound shift within myself. The anxiety that had once consumed me had significantly diminished, and I felt a newfound sense of calm and confidence. If you are struggling with anxiety or any other emotional challenges, I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah's somatic coaching. She is a true professional who can guide you towards transformative results.”

Emma Winter, Owner of Abode Health and Beauty, Lewes


Sessions are offered online via Zoom or in-person.

Individual sessions (60 min): £75

Three online sessions (60 min): £150 (incl. block discount)

Six online sessions (60 min): £270 (incl. block discount)

To book a free discovery conversation, please contact me on 07710 329 449

Contact details

Sarah Yearsley, Somatic Coach ICF

Cert. ECBS, Cert NST Advanced Practitioner, MBTPA, CNHC

M: 07710 329 449
