Dynamical Neurofeedback by Elizabeth Klyne


Introducing Dynamical Neurofeedback by Neuroptimal - Regulate your nervous system and improve your cognition, mindfulness and health through brain training.

Neurofeedback is a breakthrough technology that can address many issues, including sleep problems, anxiety, depression, PTSD, brain fog, poor memory, emotional resilience, mood swings, creativity, low energy, learning difficulties, brain injury, performance, mental clarity and stress management.

Many of us who are dealing with chronic mental or physical conditions, mood difficulties, poor concentration, sleep challenges and the effects of stress and trauma can reach a point of frustration when we still find ourselves unable to resolve long-term symptoms.

During times of challenge, or when we are exposed to long-term physical, environmental or emotional stress, our brain creates strategies that ensure our survival. Although the best possible cause of action in the moment of need, those strategies become solidified through repetition and may no longer be the best or even an appropriate response to current reality; they can even produce adverse symptoms. To find relief, we may need to change our mental programming.

This is not new news. Most people today are familiar with the notion that most of our habits and behaviours are driven by unconscious processes (thankfully, otherwise we would have to relearn our habits on a daily basis). The brain is a dynamic system, constantly changing micro-second by micro-second. It notices and responds to shifts in both the external and internal environments, seeking always to move us towards comfort and safety. To do that consciously and let go of old strategies that no longer serve us to make way for new possibilities to emerge, is the work of healing. Many psychological and transformational therapies offer tools and support to update our programming, enabling us to be present in the current moment, free to respond without concern or constraint.

Neurofeedback can do this at an accelerated rate and without the need for our conscious involvement:

“I had never come across a treatment that could produce such a dramatic change in mental functioning in so brief a period of time.” Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score.

Neurofeedback stabilises the brain and increases resilience, allowing us to develop more choices about how to respond in the moment.

How does it do that?

Clients sit comfortably for 33 minutes and listen to music with five sensors attached to the ears and scalp. No active engagement is required; the training works even if you fall asleep. Meanwhile, the Neuroptimal neurofeedback system provides the brain with a mirror of its own function. As soon as the beginnings of a lack of coherence are detected, the system triggers an auditory cue (a click, glitch or pause in the music) which alerts the brain to what it is doing. In each moment (256 times per second, to be exact), the brain receives direct feedback about its behaviour while it is also gathering information about the needs of the current situation. Then it naturally and effortlessly shifts its behaviour towards coherence and comfort. In effect, it regulates itself. One single session offers over half a million opportunities for the brain to notice and correct its own functioning.

Along the way, new connections are made and, as this process is repeated, the brain rewires itself, replacing old, outdated neural connections with new patterns of optimal functioning.

The majority of users have reported significant shifts in many different areas of life, often receiving benefits way beyond the narrow range of symptoms which they initially wanted to address, because everything we do, think or feel involves our brain and nervous system.

This type of neurofeedback has been dubbed “the best bio-hack on the planet” because of its complete lack of side-effects (after 3 million hours of client sessions) and profound impact in so many different areas. No diagnosis is required, the system simply offers your brain the information it needs to enable it to reorganise itself. And when your brain does that, a whole lot of complaints drop away. You feel calmer, clearer, happier and able to function better in your life.

It doesn’t matter where you are starting from, every brain can enjoy meeting its own state of optimal. If you would like to see the effects for yourself, please get in touch for a discounted trial session or for a chat about how the Neuroptimal system can help your brain function at its best.

Please get in touch if you’d like to book a session or ask a question:



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Will Wheen